
By 12岁的劳里·湖人,照片由Jennifer Coombes提供

人类世的可持续性, a class team-taught by anthropology professors Sarah Hautzinger and Scott Ingram, 和客座教练迈拉·杰克逊一起, brings the best practices of the First-Year Experience program to the fore for first-year CC students. 积极参与环境学习, the students are fully immersed in questions of human-caused climate change across communities both local and global, seeking ways forward that are grounded in both creativity and community-driven solutions.

“对于这个财政年度,我处于一个全新的领域. I'm not a North Americanist nor an environmental anthropologist; I came here as a political and feminist anthropologist,Sarah Hautzinger教授说.

"What the FYE allowed Scott and myself to do was to dig into our blocks separately but using the Baca Campus and San Luis Valley as a focal point across the two blocks. 玛拉杰克逊, 我所在街区的客座教练, was brought in as a community partner with her background at the United Nations and huge variety of local community work, 包括在Crestone, 科罗拉多州."

The FYE class used two lenses of inquiry to examine climate change - archeology and cultural anthropology - with each block bringing a different focal viewpoint to the issue of human-caused climate change, 生态系统的影响, 全球可持续发展的努力. 块1, 英格拉姆教授, 论述了可持续发展的考古学, engaging with a long-term perspective of human habitation in the San Luis Valley.

"One needs a long-term view to think about these issues like sustainability and habitation,英格拉姆解释道。, 人类学助理教授. "It's not about identifying lessons and not repeating mistakes as much as it is taking the viewpoint that things are not meant to last forever. It's about how we work out that ending in a way that creates positive impact, 认识到人类改变方向的潜力."

财政年度下半年转向社会文化视角, students focused on the lived experience of the present impact of climate change and sustainability efforts on a local and global scale. They looked at the spiritual groups of Crestone focusing on interconnectedness as well as the United Nations and the state and non-state actors involved in sustainability solutions.

“我们发现,我们沉浸在克雷斯通, 专注于灵性和仪式教学,用于社区治疗, we were able to respond very emotionally to a very human-centered problem with far-reaching threads of connectivity,Hautzinger说.

“情感和行动之间的对比是强烈的,杰克逊补充道。, whose career has included serving as United Nations permanent representative, as a focal point on climate change for the Commons Cluster NGOs (the UN model which focuses on advocating and providing services to communities that organize to work internally and externally to address problems.)

"We're talking about sustainability in theoretical terms and then seeing it as a lived experience in Crestone. 通过这门课,学生们可以看到整个系统, 科学衍生并应用于人类的一面, 可持续发展的社会和文化方面,她说.

Each block featured a week-long stay at CC's Baca Campus in the San Luis Valley in southern 科罗拉多州, 利用当地社区作为整个财政年度案例研究的基础. 学生们创建了人种学和数据驱动的材料档案, reflecting the ongoing sustainability efforts of over 20 groups and organizations in the area, 形成可持续性纲要.

Those archives and observations from this FYE class will be part of a report that will be read at a future UN meeting on climate change, 《联合国气候变化框架公约.

"The UN is changing its approach to climate change dramatically," explains Jackson. "Nonstate and government systems are changing, and it brings local voices to the international level. Other voices, non-traditional ones, are being brought to the table, particularly in light of the U.S. withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, and it's widening the way we deal with a truly global issue."

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/16/2020