
From left, 总统 Jill Tiefenthaler, 助理 教授 of 西南 Studies Santiago Guerra, Provost Alan 汤森, and Dean of the Faculty Sandra Wong.

Five 科罗拉多州 College faculty members, 包括 an alumna, were approved by the Board of 受托人 for tenure and 促销活动 to 联系 教授 后 the board's annual February meeting. CC 总统 Jill Tiefenthaler, Provost Alan 汤森, and Dean of the Faculty Sandra Wong visited each promoted faculty member, 祝贺 them and 他笑嘻嘻 a gift. 此外, at the same meeting the Board of 受托人 awarded emeriti status to seven 教授 who are retiring at the end of the academic year.

Those awarded tenure and 提升, 有效的 July 1, are:

  • Krista D. Fish '97, 助理 教授 of 人类学
    Fish 毕业 magna cum laude from 科罗拉多州 College in 1997 with a degree in 人类学. She pursued graduate work in 人类学 at the 大学 位于, and received her Ph.D. in 2010. Focusing on primate ecology and 进化, Fish has traveled to Bocas del Toro, Panama; the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in 马达加斯加; and the Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Blouberg Nature Reserve, and Leshiba 荒野 Reserve in South Africa; to collect data for her 研究 projects. In 2017 her 文章中, “评估 the role of exotic and 观赏 plants in the ecology of gray mouse Lemurs in 东南部 马达加斯加,” was 发表 in Ethnoprimatology: A 实用 Guide to 研究 on the Human-Nonhuman Primate 接口. She also has studied the habitats of 自由放养 环尾 lemurs and semi 自由放养 mongoose lemurs. Based on her areas of 专业知识, Fish 建立了 the first 机构 Animal Care and Use 委员会 at 科罗拉多州 College. She teaches a range of courses on Human 进化, Primate 的行为, 进化, and 灵长类动物学. A regular 贡献者 to the CC's First Year 经验 program, her FYE courses include 人类/, Primate Behavior Ecology and 保护, and 探索 Human Ecology. 学生 praise her 奉献 to 教学 and her efforts to excite and engage them in her classes. As one student wrote. "Krista 集中体现了 what it means to be an 异常 教授 - her passion, 创造力 and 热情 make learning a true joy."
  • Santiago Ivan Guerra, 助理 教授 of 西南 Studies
    After 接收 his Ph.D. in 人类学 from the 大学 of Texas at Austin, Guerra began 教学 courses at 科罗拉多州 College in 2011 and became an 助理 教授 in 2013. His 奖学金 focuses on border drug wars and drug 贩卖, and includes an 文章中, "La Chota y Los Malfiosos: Mexican 美国 人员伤亡 on of the Border Drug War," which was 发表 in Latino Studies. A second 文章中, "Narcos and Narcs: 暴力 and the 转换 of Drug 人口贩卖 on the 墨西哥 边境。” will be 发表 in an edited volume, “暴力 and the U.S. - Mexican 无主之地." 根据 to one 外部 评论家, Guerra的 研究 "draws 有效地 form the tools of 人类学 [and] 提供了 a nuanced 理解 of a 情绪化的 social problem that is often 呈现 in black and white." Guerra 定期 teaches Ritual and 医学 of the 西南部, Borders and 无主之地, The 进化 of the 大麻 行业, and The Drug War. 学生 remark that he is “欢迎 to all 学生 and 观点, and 提供了 a really safe space in the 教室 to speak one's mind." 反映 on her 经验 in his ritual and 医学 course, one alumna 观察到, "I cannot express how 有价值的 教授 Guerra的 教学 was for me and the other 学生 in that class, and how much the 知识 I gained 影响 me today."
  • Dennis McEnnerney, 联系 教授 of 哲学
    McEnnerney came to 科罗拉多州 College in 2004 as a 参观 助理 教授 of 哲学. He earned his Ph.D. in 政治 科学 from the 大学 of 加州, 加州大学伯克利分校 and his A.B. in 政治 science and social thought from 斯坦福大学 大学. One of his 的文章, “民主 as Voice: 政治 自由主义 and 至关重要的 哲学 in 对话” was 发表 in and edited volume, 政治 Theory: The State of the 纪律. He also has 提出了 his papers, "Iris Young: The 规范性 of 区别 and its 不和谐” and "Using Sartre in 后 评论: Shaping 话语 of 抵抗” at 会议 in Athens, Greece, and 堪培拉, 澳大利亚, 分别. McEnnerney is the vice 总统 of the 科罗拉多州 Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. At 科罗拉多州 大学的时候, he has served as a mentor to many 学生 and as the Honor 委员会的 faculty advisor. An active 参与者 and 组织者 of faculty 研讨会, he 定期 teaches History of Modern 哲学, 当代 政治 哲学, French 哲学 in 背景: 1930 to the 现在, and Freedom and 权威, and 哲学 and 政治 of 身份. 学生 are 深刻的印象 by McEnnerney的 breadth and depth of 的知识, his 可用性 and 的支持, and his ability to guide 引人注目的 讨论. He is 始终如一地 描述 as "highly 组织”, “一丝不苟 准备好了,” and "very good at valuing the student voice."

  • Dylan Sutton Nelson, 助理 教授 of Film and Media Studies
    A 生产商, 导演, and writer of 纪录片 films, Nelson began 教学 at 科罗拉多州 College in 2003 and became an 助理 教授 in 2013. She earned her MFA in creative writing from the 大学 of Oregon and her B.S. with 区别 in Biology from Yale 大学. Nelson is 目前 working on four 项目: “培训”, a feature 纪录片 about child sexual assault; “密西西比 弥赛亚”, which focuses on the civil rights icon and 偶像破坏者 James 梅雷迪思; "The Liegnitz Plot," about the mystery of a theft that occurred in Poland during the 大屠杀; and "The Stolen," the story of children 被绑架的 during the 1970-80s 阿根廷 purges. Her 纪录片, “配乐 for a 革命” and “南京”, have been 初步审核通过的 for the Academy Award's Best 纪录片 Feature category. Nelson's honors include an Emmy 提名. three 国际 纪录片 协会 Award 项提名, and a 生产商 Guild of America 提名 for Producer of the Year in 纪录片 戏剧 Motion Pictures. Nelson teaches Basic 电影制作, 电影剧本创作, The 科罗拉多州 纪录片 Project, and On 地点: 好莱坞. One student 描述 Nelson as a "rare writing-intensive 教授 on the creative side of the film major." Another wrote, "Her 哲学 of 'writing as 想,‘ prompted my most 卓越的 知识 moments during my time at 科罗拉多州 College."
  • Manya 惠特克, 助理 教授 of 教育
    惠特克 came to 科罗拉多州 College in 2011 as a Riley 学者 after earning her Ph.D. in 心理学 from 范德比尔特 大学 and her B.A. in 心理学 with honors from 达特茅斯 College. Her record of 奖学金 includes a book titled, “学习 from the 由内向外: Child 发展 and school choice," and a 合编 volume, “Counternarratives from Women of Color 学者: Bravery, 脆弱性 and 电阻." She also 发表 two 合著 的文章, “增强 职前 教师 动机 to Teach Diverse 学习者”, and "The 发展 of the 性情 for 在文化上 响应 Pedagogy Scale," in Teaching and Teacher 教育 and Journal for 多元文化的 教育, 分别. These works 代表 a small 选择 of 众多 文章 and book 章 she has written on parent 参与 in 学校, urban charter 学校, teacher 身份 的发展, and 在文化上 响应 教育学. 惠特克 has 做出了贡献 to the Bridge 学者 program and served on the 课程 执行 委员会 at CC. She teaches 多样性 and Equity in 教育, Urban 教育, 教育 研究 方法, 教育 心理学, and Policy and 政治 in 教育. 学生 praise her high 预期 and “传染性 passion for 教育 theory." As one student put it, "she made me care about 教育 and 教学 more than I ever thought I could have."

The Board of 受托人 also awarded emeriti status to the 后 faculty members:

  • Susan Ashley, Dean Emerita and 教授 Emerita of History; started in 1970
  • Peter Blasenheim, 教授 名誉 of History; started in 1973
  • Richard Hilt, 教授 名誉 of 物理; started in 1964
  • Robert Lee, 教授 名誉 of 政治 Science, started in 1971
  • Eric Leonard, 教授 名誉 of 地质学; started in 1981
  • 西奥多。 林德曼 '73 cum laude, 教授 名誉 of 化学; started in 1983
  • Andrew Manley, 联系 教授 名誉 of Theatre and Dance; started in 2003
报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/16/2020