
赌博正规的十大网站正在启动一个新项目, 斯特劳德学者, in its continuing effort to increase accessibility 和 help students from communities historically excluded from higher education forge a path to college.

The program will prepare students for higher education by working directly with high-promise students in the Pikes Peak region who aspire to attend college but face a range of barriers to college acceptance 和 success. 斯特劳德学者寻求提供学术准备, 指导, 和 guidance navigating admissions 和 financial aid processes to 科罗拉多大学 和 beyond.

"An outst和ing college education should be within reach for highly talented students in our own backyard who simply need opportunity 和 support,科罗拉多大学校长吉尔·蒂芬瑟勒说. “通过斯特劳德学者项目, we will work with area schools to identify high-achieving students 和 prepare them for success in college 和 beyond."

The goal of the 斯特劳德学者 program is to offer a developmental pathway starting the summer after a student's first year of high school 和 ending with the successful transition into 科罗拉多大学 or another college or university of the student's choice. 整整三个夏天, 学生和他们的家庭不需要付出任何代价, CC将在校园举办为期三周的暑期学院.

在此期间, students will take classes with 科罗拉多大学 faculty focusing on quantitative reasoning 和 writing skills to ensure they are academically prepared for a selective academic environment. Participants also will engage in programming designed to help them prepare for the college admissions 和 financial aid processes. 学生 successfully completing the three-year program will earn admission to 科罗拉多大学 和 receive a comprehensive financial aid package.

Application information for 斯特劳德学者 will be available beginning Nov. 15. 报名截止日期为2月6日. 15, 2020, with the program launching in July 2020 with a class of 25 students from the Pikes Peak Region.

斯特劳德学者 is the third recently announced 科罗拉多大学 program aimed at increasing accessibility 和 diversity in higher education. 它连接 CC的科罗拉多誓言, a pilot program aimed at supporting Colorado families with adjusted gross incomes below $200,000 (2021年8月增至25万美元) 和 CC的可选测试策略, in which applicants can choose whether to submit st和ardized test scores as part of their admission application.

The program is named in honor of siblings 凯利·道尔菲斯·斯特劳德 和 艾菲·斯特劳德·弗雷泽, both members of the 科罗拉多大学 Class of 1931 和 graduates of Colorado Springs High School, 现在的威廉?. 帕尔默高中.

凯利·道尔菲斯·斯特劳德 他在学术和体育方面都很杰出. 当他1926年进入CC时, 在他妹妹之前,他是唯一的黑人学生, 埃菲, 第二年加入了他. Local businessman 和 entrepreneur Henry Sachs saw Dolphus' promise 和 provided generous funding enabling him to attend CC. Dolphus also was awarded other scholarships given only to students with the highest academic st和ing in the class. 他毕业时获得了政治学学位, 除了一门课,其他课都得A, 也是第一位被选入优等生协会的CC学生.

他的妹妹, 艾菲·斯特劳德·弗雷泽, also received generous scholarship funding from Henry Sachs so she could attend CC 和 later, 汉普顿研究所. 她以B的成绩毕业.A. 她是当时第三位这样做的黑人女性. She eventually went on to earn a master's in library science from Columbia University in 1951. She served the New York public school system as a teacher of librarianship, 和 eventually became the supervisor for all public school libraries across the entire city. 阅读更多关于兄弟姐妹的信息 赌博正规的十大网站不为人知的故事 系列.

"Our family is grateful that this new 和 comprehensive higher education access program is named to honor the Stroud's,胡安妮塔·马丁说, 凯利·道尔菲斯·斯特劳德的 也是艾菲·斯特劳德·弗雷泽的侄女. "We are confident that 科罗拉多大学 will make an extraordinary impact on this 和 other communities by exp和ing access to higher education.

"The examples of perseverance 和 achievement set by my father 和 my aunt serve as motivation for aspiring students to view obstacles as stepping stones. Neither my father nor my aunt let denial of opportunities deter them from future achievements."

The program emerges from 科罗拉多大学's strategic plan, Building on the Block 2.0, in which CC cites access to higher education as a priority for the college. This commitment is intertwined with efforts to become an antiracist institution 和 to enrich the financial 和 sociocultural diversity of the college community.

最初是为派克峰地区的学生准备的, 斯特劳德学者希望在接下来的几年里扩大其影响力. 斯特劳德学者将为参与者提供:

  • 一个免费的,免费的暑期充实项目
  • 获得CC录取
  • 获得重要的大学经济援助和奖学金的途径
  • Academic, intellectual, social 和 practical readiness to thrive in college
  • 了解和熟悉大学生活
  • 与大学教职员工和学生导师的联系
  • The opportunity to belong to a cohort of highly motivated 和 engaged peers 和 a community of learners
  • Ongoing support throughout the academic year, including workshops, 指导 和 advising

斯特劳德学者 is being launched in collaboration with local schools 和 community organizations, 和 is aimed at supporting students who are the first generation in their family to attend college, 低的收入, 和/or students of color who attend schools relatively under-resourced in college readiness support.

"By working directly with youth 和 serving as a resource to their support networks, 我们的目标是培养和扩大大学生的抱负, 提供受教育的机会, 让年轻人在大学里茁壮成长,乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克说, CC的社区参与合作主任.

斯特劳德学者, which seeks to create an innovative college access model 和 become a leader in the college access field, is being developed by 科罗拉多大学's 合作促进社区参与, 招生办公室, 教育部, 暑期班和来自不同学科的教师.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 11/16/2021