CC Honors 粗呢衣服 Family in Newly Named Space

珀西Pellerin, Kelley Dolphus 粗呢衣服's nephew, views the commemorative column honoring the 粗呢衣服's legacy. Pellerin's mother, Nina, was the ninth of the 粗呢衣服 siblings. Lonnie Timmons III拍摄
珀西Pellerin, Kelley Dolphus 粗呢衣服's nephew, views the commemorative column honoring the 粗呢衣服's legacy. Pellerin's mother, Nina, was the ninth of the 粗呢衣服 siblings. Lonnie Timmons III拍摄

The honoring of a family’s legacy — and its lineage of perseve跑ce — is enshrined in the 凯利·道尔菲斯·斯特劳德31岁 Club Level on the fourth floor of CC’s Ed Robson Arena. The family’s story is one of tragedy and triumph, 还有空间, 以斯特劳德命名, 一位多产的学者, 精英运动员, 和奥运选手, brings together CC’s history, its ongoing commitment to antiracism, 奥运会, 粗呢衣服’s native Colorado Springs, and the City for Champions initiative.

The space on the club level, developed in partnership with Saunders Norwood Construction, was formally dedicated at a ceremony on Dec. 14. 大约40人, many of them members of the 粗呢衣服 family, made the journey to help commemorate the 粗呢衣服 ancestry and its place in Colorado Springs’ history — and beyond. The family’s legacy is honored with photos and text on two identical  纪念列, one on the east side and the other on the west side of the club level, which is open to members of the CC and broader community during arena events and regular 业务 hours. 

凯利·道尔菲斯·斯特劳德31岁她是 inducted into the 科罗拉多大学 Athletic Hall of Fame in 2006, was one of the most prolific scholars and 精英运动员s to ever emerge from the Pikes Peak region, 尽管多年的攻击, 迫害, and opportunities denied him because of his race. He was admitted to Harvard University but did not attend because of finances. Local 业务man and entrepreneur Henry Sachs recognized his potential and provided funding for him to attend CC, 他毕业的地方 以优等成绩毕业者 in 1931 with a degree in political science, and was the first Black CC student ever elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He was the only Black student at CC until his sister, 艾菲·斯特劳德·弗雷泽31岁, joined him the year after he started.

粗呢衣服, 有跑步天赋的人, won the Pikes Peak Marathon several times and in 1928 broke a record that had stood for a quarter-century. Despite qualifying for the 1928 U.S. 奥运选拔赛, he was denied funding the other competitors received to travel to the finals, which were held at the stadium at Harvard University. 未被吓住, 他走, 跑, 然后搭了将近2,000 miles from Denver to Boston in the middle of July. He made it to Boston six hours before the qualifying race, having not eaten or slept the previous day. Exhausted and hungry, he collapsed before the finish line.

CC总裁L. Song Richardson says she wants all CC students to remember the grit and resilience exhibited by Kelley Dolphus 粗呢衣服 and his family. “There are lessons to all of us and to our students, as we remain committed to increasing access to a CC education,” she said during the dedication of the space.

粗呢衣服’s achievements were many and remarkable, but so were those of his siblings, noted Richardson. All 11 粗呢衣服 children attended college, with 粗呢衣服 and his 10 siblings achieving historic milestones in science, 数学, 学术界, 艺术, 业务, 公共服务.

“This day feels like a great honor; a validation of the people of my father’s generation. 他们克服了障碍, 歧视, and prejudice to offer the full extent of their talents to the community and the world,” said Juanita 粗呢衣服 Martin. “I’m still in a state of shock” about the commemoration of her father, she said. “Nothing stopped him; obstacles became stairsteps for him.” 

“We historically honor the dead, but it is a blessing that their legacy is intact for future generations,科塞塔·斯特劳德说, Dolphus 粗呢衣服’s great-niece, who flew in from Los Angeles for the ceremony. “I’ve been empowered by the accomplishments of my family in everything I do.”

Many members of the family had gathered at the arena a few days before the dedication ceremony for a hockey game, 阿什利·布尔乔亚, the g跑ddaughter of 粗呢衣服’s youngest sister, 鲍比, 冰球掉了.

她的父亲, Carl Bourgeois (Kelley Dolphus 粗呢衣服’s nephew), invoked a theme that 跑 resoundingly through the dedication ceremony: that of ancestry. “I hope the ones who came before us are able to see what their example has created, even under sometimes extreme conditions,他说. “The history and scholarship of the family is remarkable. They have been an inspiration for my life.”

科罗拉多大学的 斯特劳德学者计划 is named in honor of Kelley Dolphus 粗呢衣服 and his sister, Effie 粗呢衣服 Frazier.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/07/2022