
Roy Jo Sartin representing CC in Washington D.C. at a dinner recognizing the top producing institutions.
Roy Jo Sartin representing CC in Washington D.C. at a dinner recognizing the top producing institutions.

Surely, 几乎每一个通过CC的学生都幻想过能获得本科毕业后的奖学金. Thousands of dollars. Plane tickets to countries never before seen. 用钱和奖励来证明你下一步的生活是美好的.

Colorado College was recognized as a Top Producing Fulbright Institution 今年2月21日,这是三年来的第二次.  该奖项由赌博正规的十大网站写作中心专家罗伊·乔·萨汀接受. The Fulbright, her specialty, 奖助金是否送得奖者到东道国生活和工作-一种有希望进行文化交流和个人成长的经历.


第一个原因是CC的学生拥有不可思议的、独特的经历. Students are on the rigorous but rewarding Block Plan, 他们有机会出国留学项目(近75%的CC学生在毕业前出国留学!), 还可以向西看落基山脉,寻找冒险, located right on the doorstep of Colorado Springs. Sartin feels that at CC, 学生们只是接触到许多新的经验-这导致了伟大的应用.

“And, 来到这里的学生思想开放,对世界充满好奇,” Sartin says with a smile. 机会就在这里,但学生必须想要抓住它们. Sartin觉得这所独特的学校吸引了一群独特的学生.

Finally, Sartin描述了校园里人们之间的联系——当学生有一个想法时, 工作人员知道如何指导他们实现目标. “If a student comes in, we know where to send them,” she says.

Matt Liston ’13 reached out to Sartin a few years after graduating to see if a Fulbright was still a possibility for him; he wanted to travel to Jordan and relearn Arabic.


“That’s what the key difference was, 有一个真正致力于帮助人们创造的人吗, like, 这篇一页长的短篇小说读起来真的很刺激,” says Liston.

As a writing specialist, Sartin doesn’t just work with Fulbright students; she advises on any number of grants and writing projects students may have. 通常情况下,学生们被同事引导到Sartin,作为这个连接网络的一部分.

CC奖学金“网络”的另一位成员是丽莎·施瓦茨, the assistant director in Grants, Research, and Fellowships. From working directly within the excitement of these awards, 她知道目标不仅仅是“赢”——而是, 而是年轻人通过努力去发现他们想要的未来是什么样子. While Sartin did lay out CC’s “winning” characteristics, as she sees them, she agrees entirely with Schwartz.

“It’s not just about ‘could I get this,’” says Schwartz. “It’s, ‘do I want this? Is this who I am?’”

听到施瓦茨对托马斯J. 沃森奖学金:获奖者可以在一年的时间里环游世界,寻找他们申请的问题的答案.

施瓦茨看到我的兴奋,立刻指出,沃森永远不适合她. “Traveling by myself? Without my family? I could not do it.”

Experiential fellowships, like the Watson or Fulbright, are about going out and experiencing the world. 其他奖学金专门用于资助研究生院. 这取决于学生去寻找自己,并真正理解他们下一步想要做什么. Schwartz emphasizes the power in defining these goals.

“申请奖学金的过程可不是闹着玩的. 如果你做了正确的修改和研究,大概需要80个小时,”施瓦茨说.

Essays, volunteer hours, and high GPAs are all attainable, 只需将自己投入到应用程序的工作中—这无疑是一项不小的壮举. But answering the larger questions is about stepping back. Sometimes, that can be harder to force than any class grade.


Maddi Schink ’23, winner of the Truman Scholarship in 2022, spent three months completing the application, 也许在那之前的三到四个月,“给自己打个盹”去申请. 回想起来,她说这可能是她做过的最紧张、最值得的申请.

“There’s an element of being vulnerable, putting yourself out there; pouring a ton of time and energy into something that might not come to fruition,” Schink notes.

The Harry S. 杜鲁门奖学金的独特之处在于其对公共服务的重视——申请者必须提出一项解决社会问题的政策.

“公共服务工作可能是残酷的,而且从任何意义上讲都不是很有回报. 但这对我个人来说是非常有益的,这对我来说可能是最重要的部分。.

“我对其他杜鲁门学者产生共鸣的一点是,他们对公共服务的承诺——知道我们在生活中不会赚很多钱,并对此感到满意。. 你周围有一群人在这方面团结一致.”

申克认为,赢得杜鲁门奖给了她一种和平与稳定的感觉, 我知道她有很多人都有共同的公共服务目标. As Schwartz would say, 她找到了一份符合她最看重的东西的奖学金——这使她赢得了一个改变她一生的奖项.

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