Colorado College Celebrates the Class of 2021

赌博正规的十大网站将在上午9点为2021届毕业生颁发荣誉勋章.m., Sunday, 5月23日,在科罗拉多斯普林斯市中心的新韦德纳球场举行的亲自毕业典礼上. Former CC President Jill Tiefenthaler P ’21, P ’24, now CEO of the National Geographic Society, 将在毕业典礼上致辞并接受荣誉学位.

大约460个文学士学位将在典礼上颁发, which concludes CC’s 147th academic year. It also concludes a year like no other, 让学生沉浸在虚拟和混合学习中, finding new ways to learn, foster relationships, and build community.Watch members of the Class of 2021 explain their unusual senior year.

Capping a year that truly was unprecedented, 2021届毕业生的座右铭是“跌倒不等于跌倒”,” attributed to Malcolm X.

2021届毕业班的学生通过他们的慈善礼物展示了他们对赌博正规的十大网站的承诺, directing their efforts toward the Colorado College Mutual Aid Fund. 该基金是由学生创建的,以支持紧急需求, such as housing and food insecurity, facing their classmates.

As the class arrived on campus, CC刚刚开始了新的东校区住房项目, expanded the college’s mission and offerings with the addition of 科罗拉多大学的科罗拉多斯普林斯美术中心, 并开设了新装修和重新设计的塔特图书馆. The $45 million renovation of Tutt Library, opened on the first day of class, added approximately 25,000平方英尺的建筑,成为最大的碳中和, 美国净零能耗学术图书馆.

Their Common Read Book was “Citizen: An American Lyric,” by Claudia Rankine, 谁在2017年8月的新生迎新会上发表了最重要的演讲. Following the address, 即将到来的2021届学生被邀请从阿姆斯特朗大厅拿起日食眼镜,观看经过的日食. 他们的四年赌博正规的十大网站始于一个世界现象,又以另一个世界现象结束.

The Class of 2021 was selected from 8,222 applicants, a record at that time, 录取率为15%,51%的学生获得了某种形式的经济援助, 26.7%的人认为自己是有色人种学生,53人是第一代学生. The class included 48 QuestBridge students; QuestBridge is a non-profit organization that matches high-achieving, 有机会接受高等教育的弱势学生.

学生们已经准备好充分利用CC提供的优势. Statistics on the Class of 2021, compiled when they entered four years ago, 展示班级的全球意识和多样性:60名国际学生, 44 held dual citizenship, 35 languages were spoken, 10 were Davis United World Scholars, and 53 were first-generation college students.

这个班的学生也很有创造力和智力:23%的学生在班里排名前1%。, 19 conducted independent research, two organized TEDx events, two spoke at TEDx events, five started their own business, 18 musical instruments were played, one was a stained glass artist, and one designed a robot to help with cleaning.

这个班充满了同情心和冒险精神:有两位是急救医生, two were firefighters, 10 were Eagle Scouts, one raised guide dogs, two biked across the country, one hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, 53 took a gap year, three summitted Mt. Kilimanjaro, and one was a pilot.


  • Gloria Ladson Billings, 前凯尔纳家族城市教育杰出主席,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校名誉教授. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & 科学,美国教育研究协会,以及德州哈格勒研究所&M University.
  • 凯瑟琳·豪伊·卢(Katherine Haughey Loo)是科罗拉多斯普林斯社区50多年来的活跃成员. 她曾担任the Headstart Advisory Board和the Junior League的总裁,以及the International Association of Junior Leagues的董事. 她的政治生涯包括担任6年市议员,并在科罗拉多州高等教育委员会任职. 她还共同主持了一项资本运动,旨在翻新和扩建科罗拉多斯普林斯美术中心,最近还获得了El Pomar基金会颁发的杰出社区公民奖.
  • Margaret Elise Myers ’72, 国防分析研究所信息技术和系统部主任. 她于1992年被任命为高级行政服务人员,并在美国服役. S. 陆军,2005年以上校军衔从陆军预备役退役. She received the U.S. 国防部杰出平民服务奖和三个总统军衔奖. She has a B.A. in mathematics from Colorado College, an M.S. 她是美国大学运筹学专业第一位女性博士.D. 乔治梅森大学工程学院的获得者.
  • Tink Tinker (wazhazhe / Osage Nation), 他是伊利夫神学院美国印第安文化和宗教传统的克利福德·鲍德里奇名誉教授. During his 33 years at Iliff, 廷克将一种独特的美国印第安人视角带入了一个以白人为主的地区, Euro-Christian school, 就像他在整个欧洲大陆的演讲中所做的那样. 他的著作包括《赌博正规的十大网站》,精神与抵抗:美洲印第安人解放与政治神学,以及近100篇期刊文章和章节的编辑卷.
  • Scott Yoo, 他是墨西哥城爱乐乐团的首席指挥和艺术总监,也是莫桑比克音乐节的音乐总监. 他也是PBS系列节目“现在听到这个”的主持人和执行制片人.自2002年以来,他一直担任赌博正规的十大网站夏季音乐节的指挥, and the founder of the Medellín Festicámara, 一个室内乐项目,汇集了世界级的艺术家和贫困的年轻音乐家.
Report an issue - Last updated: 05/17/2022